A Quick & Easy Christmas Table Topper Tutorial

Hi everyone it's Bea again from beaquilter. I'm here to show you a quick tutorial on how I made this fun table topper for Christmas with the new Qube Companion Set-Angles.

 It measures approx. 15" x 15"


table topper


I used 4 Fat Quarters from Island Batik (red, tan and two greens- tan and one green for the backgrounds as lighter fabrics and red and dark green to match as darker fabrics) for the top and matching yardage for the back and binding.

Then I used the 6" Qube set and 6" Companion Set-Angles


table topper

table topper


From the 4 FQs I cut a 4 3/4" strip (x18") and a 4" strip

then I used shape #4 from the regular qube set (the quarter square triangle -QST) and with the 4 3/4" strips I cut out 8 of each fabric

Then with the 4" strips and shape #14 from the Angles companion set I cut out 4+4Reversed of tan and green dot- the two lighter fabrics (With batiks it often doesn't matter) but still I folded the fabric and that way I'd get half in reverse anyway.

Then using shape #15 I also cut out 4 kite shapes of green and red- two darker fabrics, as you can see I could overlap the strip a little bit from the previous cut so there wouldn't be much waste at all.


table topper


with the QSTs I sewed together 8 QST blocks, 4 in reverse as shown, then I also sewed together the kite blocks as shown 4 greens and 4 with red and tan.


table topper


Then taking one of each block I sewed it together into this fun pointy looking block (part of the block library download that is available with the angles companion set)

You want the QST fabrics to match up and touch the kite shapes that are in opposite corners. Make 4.


table topper


It's up to you how you want to arrange the 4 blocks!


table topper

table topper


I picked this layout and sewed them together and ironed the seams open as there's a lot of bulk right in the middle.


table topper


I added a 2" border (1 1/2" finished) and quilting it sort of in the ditch and added binding.


table topper


It went together in a few hours, I think I cut out the fabrics one night and finished the next morning!

Super quick to make and great to keep for Christmas/ Fall or to give away, maybe as a hostess gift?

Let me know how you like it!