10 Need-to-See Resources for all Quilting Lovers

What better way to spend the time you're at home than on sharpening the skills of your favorite hobby: sewing and quilting! Why not throw it back to a few months ago and read some of our favorite quilting resources of 2019. Be sure to tell us what you're working on while you're quilting under quarantine.


Can you believe fall is already in full swing? It feels as though we just released our spring quilt patterns and first batch of new dies last week. Because even we have a hard time keeping up with all the videos, articles and tutorials we've released, for today's post, we thought we would review some of our most popular and helpful resources from the year so far. From organization to technique, we learned a lot about the art of quilting in 2019. Can you remember these highlights?


Tips for Cleaning Your Sewing Room



Isn't it just so true to form that one of our most popular posts of the year is about organizing? Quilters are optimists through and through so even the most disorganized of us believe there is potential to get everything under control. The good news is it's true. If you're drowning in a fabric stash, notions, rulers and everything sewing this post is for you. 


Top Takeaway: Take a look at your scrap stash regularly. Revisiting your fabrics with a new mindset might inspire a project you never thought of before.


Clean your sewing room!


Confidently Cut & Sew a Log Cabin Quilt Block


The GO! Log Cabin die (55349) can be seem intimidating. There are so many shapes on one die board and that means even more fabric pieces after its run through your fabric cutter. If you have had the GO! Log Cabin die still in its packaging or have hesitated to purchase the die at all, AccuQuilt's Senior Account Manager, Erica breaks down just how simple it can really be. She shares insight on laying out your fabric, organizing the perfectly cut shapes and even how to piece the block. From start to finish, Erica shows you just how approachable the GO! Log Cabin die is even for beginning quilters. 


Learn to Love the GO! Log Cabin quilt block!


5 Reasons to Use GO! Quilt Right NOW



Have you loved a quilt pattern, resolved to make it but hesitated when it came to buying the fabric? There is so much at stake when it comes to picking the perfect fabric for a project. Every quilter knows the pain of finding a beautiful pattern but struggling to envision the right match or getting as far as cutting before realizing your choices don't look right. It doesn't have to be this way anymore. GO! Quilt is a FREE quilt pattern customizer that allows you to "audition" fabrics from your personal stash and any of the preloaded designer collections. There are so many ways GO! Quilt makes a quilter's life easier and this quick read lays a lot of them out. 


See why you should give GO! Quilt a try!


How to Cut Shannon Fabrics Cuddle with AccuQuilt



Who doesn't love the cozy, soft feeling of Shannon Fabric's Cuddle® line? Cutting minky fabrics with an AccuQuilt is a little different than working with cotton which leaves many hesitant to include in their projects. It's a shame too, because these fuzzy Shannon Fabrics look great as appliqués and with unique cloud quilting. With these expert-tested tips by your side, you can cut with confidence!


Use Shannon Fabrics with your AccuQuilt!


Quilting with Neutrals



Neutrals aren't boring! This post is packed full of great information on quilting with neutrals, whether you're like us and love a good earth tone fabric or somehow believe they are boring. One nugget of advice gleaned from these tips: adding one neutral into your quilt can make your bright solid or beautiful pattern pop. You will want to give this one a read.


Learn to love quilting with neutrals!


Setting Triangles: It's All About that Fabric Bias



On point quilts are a fun next step for experienced quilters looking for a challenge. At first, the triangles at the edge of an on point quilt look like regular half square triangles, but there is an important difference. Those are actually called "setting triangles" which are a tool in the process of piecing an on point quilt. Stephanie Jacobson explains the need for setting triangles in this quick read.


Understand setting triangles in on point quilts now!


Tips for Creating Gender Neutral Baby Quilts



It's exciting when someone you love announces a new addition to their family. As a quilter, you probably immediately begin searching for the perfect baby quilt pattern and fabrics to match. Embracing a gender neutral baby quilt can have some great benefits. First, you can get started on piecing long before the little one's arrival. Second, you stand more of a chance of creating something the bundle of joy can use and love beyond toddling years. This post includes ideas on how to nail a gender neutral quilt and even provides some awesome examples.


Learn how to make a gender neutral baby quilt!


Which AccuQuilt Fabric Cutter is Right for You?

Are you considering buying an AccuQuilt fabric cutter? Whether you want to start your AccuQuilt journey or add another cutter to your collection, this video will help you understand which one is right for you now. 


Find the right fabric cutter for you!


The Art of Picking Quilt Fabric for Magazine-worthy Projects



Color accuracy, large prints, low-volume... Like we mentioned above, choosing fabrics for your quilt can be difficult. Melanie Call of A Bit of Scrap Stuff explains her top 5 rules of picking fabrics for quilt patterns and projects. She even gives a little advice on how to use GO! Quilt for success.


Pick quilt fabrics like an expert. 


Live with Pam! Hexis & Y-Seams (Part 1 & 2)


Does the idea of Y-seams give you cold sweats and anxiety? Pam Heller, AccuQuilt Cutting Expert to the rescue! Master the dreaded Y-seam with Pam while she shares advice from experts and experience. This is part 1, so be sure to hit next to see part 2.


Fearlessly quilt with y-seams.


We've learned and shared so much this year, but we aren't done yet. Is there something you want to see on our blog, social media or in videos? Share your ideas in the comments and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an update!