A Lucky Quilted Jacket for Quilters of All Skill Levels

Quilted clothing seems to be all the rage these days! While I’m personally not a fan of cutting up older quilts to make clothing, there is a way for me to embrace this trend.


It's Katy here from KatyQuilts! Today, I’ll show you how I used the Lucky Star block to adorn my own denim jacket, but you can use any garment that fits a 10" finished block. You can also use any Block on Board (BOB) die that fits your garment for this project. It’s fast and so easy that you might make a whole new wardrobe!


Katy Wearing the Finished Lucky Star Jean Jacket



First of all, grab that beautiful GO! Lucky Star-10" Finished Die! I love the movement in the Lucky Star block. The color placement possibilities are endless. It looks very difficult - and it would be without the die.



GO! Lucky Star-10" Finished Die


Creating this block is perfect for scrap-busting, but I chose to use some new fabric patterns I picked up to have scraps for another project.



Fabric Used for the Lucky Star Block



After I cut my pieces out, I left them on the die to keep track of the different pieces. There are a lot, but the screen-printed letters on the die board helps you easily keep them organized!



Cut Lucky Star Block Shapes on the Die Board



Piece and sew the block as shown in the block assembly instructions.


 Sewn Lucky Star Block



Wasn’t that quick? Now, it’s time to prepare the block to stitch onto the back of the jacket.


Start by folding the corners in 1/4” and keeping them in place with a bit of basting glue.



Folded Corner



Once the corners are done, press all sides under 1/4” and hold them in place with tiny dots of basting glue. A quick press of the iron will set the glue quickly.



One Side of the Lucky Star Block with Glue
Pressed Corner



Now grab your jacket, shirt, tote bag, or whatever you want to put the block on. Place the block on the back, making sure to center it. You can put the block on straight or on point.



Lucky Star Block Placement on the Jean Jacket
Lucky Star Block On Point Placement on the Jean Jacket



I add a few pins at this point to keep it from shifting. Then, I gently pull back the edges of the block, and again, baste in place with glue dots. Don’t worry: the glue will come out completely in the wash.



Basting the Lucky Star Block onto the Jean Jacket with Glue



The last step is to top stitch the block in place. You could use a decorative stitch here, but I used a regular straight stitch to keep the focus on the block.



Sewing the Lucky Star Block onto the Jean Jacket
Close Up of the Top Stitch on the Jean Jacket



Tada! I think it turned out great!



Finished Lucky Star Jean Jacket



If you've been inspired to make your own Lucky Star block quilted jacket, please share it with us on social media using the hashtag #AccuQuiltBuilt and tag us @katyquilts and @AccuQuilt, so we can see what you made!