Pattern Spotlight: GO! Storm at Sea

The GO! Storm at Sea Quilt is a classic made easy with die cutting! Cut this quilt out in a flash and you'll be sewing before you know it! Download this pattern for FREE for a limited time!

GO! Storm at Sea




Follow along below to see how quick and easy it is to cut all the shapes you need for the GO! Storm at Sea. First collect the dies you need - GO! Triangle in Square - 3" Finished, GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished, GO! Square - 3" Finished, and the GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished.




We're cutting for a four color block. Starting with the GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished die, cut 7" strips from each of the four colors you are working with.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


Fan fold the strips across the die to cut up to six layers of fabric. Position your fabric on the die so that the selvedge edge of the fabric is in line with the label on the die and the cutter handle. This ensures that the lengthwise grain is traveling perpendicular to the roller.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


Place the cutting mat over the die and roll through the cutter.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


Slide the mat off to reveal your perfectly cut half square triangles.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


Repeat the same steps for each of the colors.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


After cutting with the same die, you may notice threads caught in the blades. Use your die pick to clean out the die.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 1 1/2" Finished


Next use the GO! Square - 3" Finished die to cut squares with the aqua color. Fan fold a 7 1/2" strip across the die. Position your fabric on the die so that the selvedge edge of the fabric is in line with the label on the die and the cutter handle. This ensures that the lengthwise grain is traveling perpendicular to the roller.


GO! Square - 3" Finished


Place the cutting mat over the die and roll through the cutter.


GO! Square - 3" Finished


Ta-da! Perfect squares.


GO! Square - 3" Finished


Next, on to the GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished die. Cut 9" strips from each of your three accent colors - not the background fabric, in this example the lightest green. Fan fold the strips across the die. Layer up to six layers of fabric.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished


Place the cutting mat over the die and roll through the cutter.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished


Perfect half square triangles!


GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished


Repeat the same steps for each of the other two colors.


GO! Half Square Triangle - 3" FinishedGO! Half Square Triangle - 3" Finished


Next, moving on to the GO! Triangle in Square - 3" Finished die. Cut 6" strips of the dark green and dark blue fabric. Layer them together over the center triangle portion of the die to cut four layers, two of each color.


GO! Triangle in Square


Cut a 5 1/2" strip of your background fabric and fan fold over the outside triangle pieces.


GO! Triangle in Square


Place the cutting mat over the die and roll through the cutter.


GO! Triangle in Square


You've just cut everything you need for the Triangle in Square units!


GO! Triangle in Square


Lay out all your pieces!




Download the GO! Storm at Sea pattern - free for a limited time - and lay out your blocks before you start sewing! The color placement in the Storm at Sea is important - so follow the diagram!