Use the GO! Me to Make the Perfect Gift–Rudy Mug Rug

Hi, it's Carolyn Beam. With the holidays approaching, gift ideas are on my mind. I'm always looking for gifts that are family-friendly that I can make with my grandson for him to give to his teacher, parents or other friends and relatives. Mug rugs are popular, quick and fun to make, and the GO! Me makes it easy for kids to cut the pieces.

The Rudy Mug Rug is made with felt which can be found in craft supply stores in 9" x 12" pieces. One piece in each of the colors needed for the mug rug is sufficient. Scraps of felt are also great for some of the smaller pieces.




Green, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Black and Red felt. Additional colors can be added to personalize the reindeer if desired.


Supplies Needed:

GO! Me Owl 55333 

GO! Me Owl Accessories 55675 (included with GO! Me)

GO! Circle–2", 3", 5" 55012


Additional Supplies Needed:

Embroidery floss to match felt

Embroidery needle

Straight pins


Precut as follows:

Green: Precut 2—5¼" x 5¼" squares, cut 2—5" circles

Dark Brown: Precut 1—4½" x 5" rectangle, cut 1 owl body (reindeer)

Dark Brown: Precut 4—1" x 2¼" rectangles, cut 4—leaves (ears)

Light Brown: Precut 4—1¼" x 1½" rectangles, cut 4—owl feet (antlers)

Black: Precut 2—1" x 1" squares, cut 2—½" circles

Red: Precut 1—1" x 1" square, cut 1—½" circle


Sewing Directions:

1. The sewing is done by hand with a blanket stitch. Working with one shape at a time, position the nose and eyes on the reindeer and sew each shape using matching thread and a hand blanket stitch.




2. Position the reindeer on a green circle. Use a hand blanket stitch to sew the reindeer to the circle.




3. The ears and antlers will extend beyond the edge of the circle and will be sewn on through all of the layers. To add the ears, lay one ear on the front and one ear on the back, lining up the edges. Pin the ears in place. Starting with a part of the ear that is on the reindeer, sew the ears to the reindeer using a hand blanket stitch. Make sure to stitch through all of the layers to hold the ears in place.




4. Sew the antlers to the reindeer in the same way.




5. Place the other green circle on the back, lining up the circle edges. Use a hand blanket stitch to sew the 2 green circles together. 




This is a great project to introduce your child or grandchild to a little hand sewing while making a fun project!